Parent Guidelines:

These guidelines are in place for Great Beginnings infant center, preschool, and kindergarten to run as efficiently as possible and to create an environment that is enriching, productive and undisturbed for your child.  We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

  1. All children MUST BE SIGNED IN AND OUT of Great Beginnings infant, preschool, and kindergarten with FULL CLEAR LEGAL SIGNATURE ( not initials) and time on a daily basis.  It is the parents responsibility to escort their child safely to and from the school.  CCRC parents must put exact times on the time sheets daily.  

2.A child will only be released to a person that was designated by the parents/guardians on the Identification and Emergency Form ( LIC 700).  Without written permission from the parent/guardian, the child will not be released to any other person.  Please make sure that the people provided on the Identification and Emergency Form bring their photo identification with them when picking up your child.  

3. Regular working hours of Great Beginnings infant center, preschool, and kindergarten, are from 7:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m.  All children must be picked up by 5:50 to enable our staff to close by 6:00p.m.  If a child is picked up after 6:00 p.m. there is a $2.00 per minute fee. The fee has to be paid on site at the time of late pickup to the teacher who stays with your child.  If your child is enrolled half-days pick up time is promptly at 12p.m.  If your child attends Great Beginning’s infant, preschool, and kindergarten half-days and is not picked up by 12 p.m., a late charge of $2.00 per minute will be incurred. 

4. Your child’s immunization record should be up to date upon acceptance to Great Beginning’s infant, preschool and kindergarten.   


6. Medication will ONLY be administered with written parental authorization.  Some medication will require a physician authorization as well.  Medication must be marked with the child’s name and must be handed over directly to the assistant director or your child’s teacher to be kept in the medication box in the refrigerator.   

7. The Department of Public Health mandates our illness policy.  In order to ensure that the school maintains a healthy atmosphere for ALL children, we follow a strict illness policy that we ask you to abide by. If your child becomes ill in school, we will immediately notify you and your child will need to be picked up as soon as possible.   

8. Children must be appropriately dressed when attending Great Beginnings infant, preschool, and kindergarten and all a child’s personal belongings have to be labeled with their name clearly marked with a non-toxic marker. This does include lunch boxes, water bottles, weather appropriate extra clothes, jackets, towels, bedding, wipes, diaper bags, diaper creams, and sunscreen. To promote safety, we encourage all children to wear closed toe shoes.  Please no slip-on, open toe shoes, or heels.   

9. For INFANT ROOM ONLY- parents are responsible for providing a sufficient supply of diapers, wipes, diaper creams, sunscreen, weather appropriate extra clothes, and sleep-sacs.  For the health and safety of our children, our school policy, as well as Title 22, states that ALL food items must have your child’s name and date on all food items that you bring to Great Beginnings. This does include milk bottles, snacks that are both brought in their original packaging and in baggies or containers ( not in their original packaging), and pouches. Please pick up all your child’s bottles and any food items on a daily basis ( excluding dry foods that are in their original container).  

10. TUITION is  charged on a monthly and weekly basis.  Payment is due on the Friday prior to the following week or by the 1st of the month if tuition is being paid on a monthly basis. Payments received after the 5th of the month ( if you are paying monthly) or after 10 a.m. the following Tuesday ( if you are paying weekly tuition) are subject to a late fee of $30. Tuition credit cannot be given to miscellaneous absences, vacation taken during the school year and for legal and school holidays.  

11. Parents must inform Great Beginnings by phone call or in person if the child is not attending school any day due to illness or vacation. 

12. Please do not block any cars in the parking lot.  No parking is allowed in front of the school and next to the wall. There is additional parking available to you next to our top playground.